Fill out the form below to get your free TransactionTracker!
Look like a Real Estate Rockstar to your Clients! Every real estate deal comes with a ton of information. Remembering critical dates and contingencies can mean digging back through the contract time and time again, scrolling through texts, or looking for that one email you hope you didn’t delete.
TransactionTracker by ActiveToClose helps you avoid all of that hassle.
TransactionTracker is a Google Sheets-based tool that helps real estate agents track their real estate transactions by having all the critical information you need in a single place. You can save time, increase productivity, and close deals for a smoother customer experience!
Made By and For Real Estate Agents, note from the creator
Aimee and I went from running a real estate team to now running our own real estate brokerage with multiple offices and over 70 agents. We know how easy it is to get buried under information from your deals–and what happens when you can’t get the details you need fast.
~Terry Peterson
We created TransactionTracker to keep track of our clients and the vast amount of information each real estate deal generates. Soon after we started using the first version, it became our one-stop info shop for our entire team!
We’ve been using versions of TransactionTracker for several years now to assist with production, and with our transaction coordinators, and a training tool for new agents. Our busy agents also use the tool to keep their deal straight when working multiple deals.
Creator of TransactionTracker and Co-Owner of ActiveToClose, LLC
All Your Client Information in One Place
We know how useful it is to have all the information you need about a client on one clean page. No one wants to carry around ten pages of printed contracts with crucial dates hidden among paragraphs of legalese.
With TransactionTracker, you won’t have to!
Instead of digging through endless emails or text messages to find your client’s attorney’s number or what was that Due Diligence date, you can have all that information available in one place.
You won’t have to reinvent the wheel with TransactionTracker, either. Our product is field-tested across multiple brokerages. The tool has made our lives easier (and more lucrative!) and can help you achieve the same.
Take the Survey and Get TransactionTracker Now!
We’re planning to release future versions of the TransactionTracker in iOS, Android, and Web app versions so team leads and transaction coordinators can collaborate with their agents, and even share details both your calendar and your clients calendar. While the tool is ready for your agency, we’re always working to improve it.
TransactionTracker is available now for free! Just take our survey, and you’ll get access to our battle-tested tool to help you manage your deals and quickly scale to be able to manage more.
What all does the TransactionTracker help track?
Property Information
- City
- Zip
- Subdivision
- HOA Company
- County
- Tax Map Number
- MLS Number
- List Date
- List Price
- Contracted Price
- Listing Commission
- Buyer Commission
Contingency Dates and Details
- Contract Ratified Date
- Closing Date
- Escrow/Earnest Money Due By Date
- Due Diligence Expiration
- Party responsible for ordering CL100 / Termite Inspection
- CL100 Report Due Date
- Party responsible for ordering Home Warranty
Tasks for during the Transaction
- Save/Archive Ratified Sales Contract
- Schedule Inspection, notify Buyer Client & Listing Agent
- Inspector’s Name
- Inspection Date & Time
- Update MLS to show property as Pending
- Send Contract & a PDF of the MLS Listing to Closing Attorney/Title Company & Lender
- Turn in Earnest Money and send verfication to List Agent
- “Repair Addendum signed by both parties ~or~
- Due Diligence funds & signed Notice of Termination turned in prior to Expiration.”
- Confirm CL100 has been Scheduled and Seller Client is Notfied
- Check with Closing Attorney/Title Company for Time of Closing; Notify client
- Has List Agent provided repair receipts?
- Check status of Appraisal
- Send Wiring Instructions to Buyer’s Attorney/Title Company
- Order Home Warranty by date
- Check that Buyer has signed TRID from Lender
- Review Closing Disclosure / Alta with Client
- Utilities: Confirm List client has scheduled for cut-off & Buyer client has set-up accounts
- Electric Utility Company
- Gas Utility Company
- Water Utility Company
- Sewer Utility Company
- Internet Provider Company
- Get Closing Gift
- Confirm Final Walkthrough is in ShowingTime / Seller is Notified
- Confirm location of keys, fobs, garage door openers, pool key, mail box keys, etc.
- Request Review from Client
Post-Closing Tasks
- Confirm MLS status has been updated
- Save/Archive Closing Docs
- Upload documents to Brokerage
- Remind Buyer About Primary Residence Property Tax
- Send 2nd Email About Primary Residence Property Tax
- 3 Month Check-In on Client
- 6 Month Check-In on Client
- 9 Month Check-In on Client
- Happy 1 Year Anniversary Gift to Client
Contacts Related to the Transaction
- Deal Vendors
- Buyer Attorney or Title Company Name
- Buyer Attorney or Title Company Location
- Buyer Attorney or Title Company Contact Name
- Buyer Attorney or Title Company Phone
- Buyer Attorney or Title Company Email
- List Side Attorney or Title Company Name
- List Side Attorney or Title Company Contact Name
- List Side Attorney or Title Company Phone
- List Side Attorney or Title Company Email
- Agent on other side of the Transaction
- List Side Agent Name
- List Side Agent Phone
- List Side Agent Email
- List Side Agent Coordinator/2nd Contact
- Client Contacts
- List Client Name 1
- List Client Phone 1
- List Client Email 1
- List Client Name 2
- List Client Phone 2
- List Client Email 2
- Buyer Client Name 1
- Buyer Client Phone 1
- Buyer Client Email 1
- Buyer Client Name 2
- Buyer Client Phone 2
- Buyer Client Email 2